Fixed Gear Bicycle – What Kind of Bike Is It?

Are you looking for something unusual yet simple to use? Consider a Fixed gear bicycle. Avid cyclists often call it simply “fixie”. The main feature of such bicycles is the absence of the freewheel mechanism on the rear wheel that many cyclists are accustomed to. In other words, it’s a bike with a rigidly fixed gear. On a standard bicycle, you can ride by actively pedaling or coasting for some time. However, a Fixed gear will move exclusively when you pedal. Keep this characteristic in mind if you decide to purchase a Fixed gear bicycle.

Almost all bikes participating in track competitions are Fixed gears. After all, it’s critically important for an athlete to have maximum control over their bicycle. And a Fixed gear, like no other bicycle, responds sensitively to the slightest application of effort.

However, the fixed gear has become popular not only among professional racers. This uncomplicated, “logical” and unpretentious bicycle has gained recognition among various riders. Such a bicycle is suitable for anyone – there are no restrictions.

Are you not one of those who puts the bike away in a far corner with the arrival of the first cold weather? The fix is excellent for winter riding. You will feel the bike perfectly, be able to stop quickly, and avoid slipping on ice.

Do you dream of mastering tricks on a bicycle? You will definitely need a Fixed gear. Or maybe you’ve always wanted to play polo? Now this “hockey on horseback” is available not only to the English nobility. A Fixed gear bicycle perfectly replaces an obedient steed. Gather a team of like-minded people, arm yourselves with sticks, and enjoy the game!

Main Advantages of Fixed-gear

Fixed-gear bicycles are distinguished by their simplicity of use and construction, do not require complex adjustments, and are easy to maintain. Moreover, these models have an affordable price. When riding a fix, you won’t have to adjust brakes, shift gears, or clean cables, as they simply don’t exist here.

The main advantages of fixes are:

  • They have a low weight, as their design lacks many parts, and the construction itself is as simple as possible.
  • Fixes look very fashionable and non-standard.
  • They are characterized by easy control and excellent maneuverability; the pedals are directly connected to the wheel, so the sensitivity and flexibility of the bicycle are very high.
  • They provide high speed of movement and are characterized by stability.
  • Affordable price. Basic fix models are inexpensive due to their simple design.

Subtleties of Movement

If you decide to ride a fix for the first time, it may not be easy. Not everyone manages to master the riding technique from the first try, because here, as soon as you stop rotating the pedals, the vehicle will stop. You can control the movement process only with your own body, so good physical shape is important for this. This is especially noticeable on steep climbs.

Varieties of Fixed-gear

Almost all fixes are similar to each other, with modifications having only a few differences. Some manufacturers offer a rear hub with two sprockets. One sprocket is rigidly attached to the wheel hub, on the other side the hub repeats the design of a singlespeed. This allows you to get both a singlespeed and a fix in one design by simply flipping the wheel.

The most popular brand producing fixes is Golden Cycle. The style of execution of such bicycles can be seen on the example of the TWO model. It is equipped with a front brake and a rear hub with two sprockets. The cost of such a bicycle can reach 600 euros.

Here are 20 Advantages of Fixes

  1. Fixes are more manageable than they seem at first glance: Contrary to the opinion that may be formed due to extreme cyclists, riding a fixed-gear bicycle is not as risky as it might seem. With experience, you can learn to easily reduce speed or even make the rear wheel skid. A fix has at least the same braking ability as a cruiser with a drum brake. The direct connection with the pedals allows for instant and precise speed control, which is especially important in heavy traffic conditions (especially if your hands are not always on the handlebars). It’s impossible to accidentally lock the rear wheel: such an action requires a complete stop of the pedals. This makes it easier to control road grip on wet surfaces.
  2. Unique experience: The most compelling argument in favor of riding a fix is gaining a special experience. The direct connection between the cyclist and their iron friend is comparable to the pleasure of driving a car with a manual transmission. Stopping requires certain skills, which means the cyclist learns to avoid obstacles without changing speed and direction of movement.
  3. Surprisingly smooth ride: The smooth riding style characteristic of a fix can be compared to surfing. Sometimes it can be difficult without the ability to just coast, shift gears, and stop pedaling for a jump. But for such purposes, in my opinion, there are other types of bicycles. No matter how you feel about fixes, one thing can’t be denied – riding a fix is fun.
  4. Reliability and ease of maintenance: Not having a gear shifting mechanism, fixes hardly need any maintenance. It’s no surprise that they were chosen by city couriers in New York, as well as residents of many major cities around the world. For example, courier services use fixed gear bikes all over Spain: in Madrid, Barcelona, Soria, and Seville.
  5. Simplified device: The fix chain is shorter than that of regular bicycles. Moreover, it is completely straight, which contributes to smoother operation of the mechanisms – this can be felt when rotating the pedals. And the absence of pulleys and other transmission devices simplifies the bike’s construction.
  6. Ideal for urban conditions: Fixes are excellent for city riding as they are well adapted for riding on flat surfaces. Moreover, due to the absence of a gear shifting system, they are usually less attractive to thieves.
  7. The simplest way of riding: The complete, almost mystical connection between the cyclist and their bike determines the simplest way of riding: if you want to move forward, pedal forward, backward – rotate the pedals in the opposite direction. The same principle works when adjusting speed: the faster you pedal, the higher the speed. Need to slow down – rotate the pedals more slowly.
  8. Instead of gears and brakes – only your legs: Your legs become both the accelerator and the brakes: you need to work your legs more intensively to go faster, or conversely, stop rotating the pedals to reduce speed or stop.
  9. Quick acceleration: The rhythm of pedaling improves and becomes more uniform. A steady pace is necessary for fast riding on fixes. Since such a bicycle is very light, you will be able to gain speed in a short period of time.
  10. You and your bike are one: Your movements will become freer and faster: you will have to learn to relax in order to constantly maintain a uniform rotation of the pedals. Once you achieve this, riding a fix will turn into true pleasure.
  11. The effect of training is more noticeable: It’s no secret that riding a fix requires more physical effort. This is especially noticeable in hilly terrain. Accordingly, many muscle groups work more intensively when riding. Muscle contraction improves, especially when the pedal rhythm accelerates. Due to the absence of a gear shifter, the maximum force increases – you will have to exert more effort when starting to rotate the pedals after stopping or when riding on uneven roads.
  12. Increased endurance: This advantage logically follows from the previous one. Your endurance increases, as you may need to pedal at different tempos on climbs.
  13. The whole body is trained: Not only legs are strengthened, but also arms. The fix has no gears, and high speeds are achieved not only by leg movement. Powerful and dynamic traction coming from the body and arms is important.
  14. Improvement of the body: Fixes can be used as a way to strengthen all muscles after competitions, prepare for intensive training, or rehabilitate after injuries. They help improve blood circulation and maintain constant elasticity of muscle fibers involved in pedaling.
  15. Effect – as from training on a treadmill: The physical load when riding a fixed-gear bicycle is constant and comparable to the load when running. After the pedals have been set in rotation, you won’t be able to rest, as on a regular bike that allows you to relax on descents or on a very flat surface.
  16. Perfect training for your legs: Riding a Fixed gear bike is an excellent and non-standard exercise for leg muscles. It compensates for the concentric force expended during cyclic and repetitive pedaling. An analogy can be drawn with track runners whose muscles contract quickly.
  17. Saving time on training: By using a “fixed gear” bicycle as a trainer, you save time: half an hour of riding a fix in terms of load intensity is equivalent to an hour of riding a regular bicycle.
  18. Improvement of skills: Riding such a bicycle will improve your instincts, reaction, attentiveness, and concentration. After a fix, riding a regular bicycle may seem boring and too simple. The riding technique is improved, as your reflexes, instincts, and other innate abilities are forced to work more intensively. While rotating the pedals, you need to watch everything happening around you. Good concentration will always be useful in life.
  19. Affordable price: Finally, fixes are attractive due to their low cost. And you definitely won’t go broke on their maintenance, as they break down much less often, and in case of a breakdown, the repair will always be simpler than for complex bikes with many functions.
  20. Other advantages: There are other advantages as well. A fix requires buying fewer spare parts for maintenance. It’s easier to maintain balance without lowering your feet to the ground – just turn the front wheel to the side and the pedals forward or backward so that they are in a vertical position (the so-called “surplace”). Fixes are adapted for reverse riding. When a traffic lane is blocked in the flow of cars, try to simply stop and move backward.

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