Quadracycle – How to Choose a 4-Wheeled Bicycle

A bicycle with four wheels is not just a tool for teaching toddlers to ride, but also a full-fledged vehicle for adults. Let’s delve deeper into this topic.


The history of four-wheeled bicycles began almost simultaneously with the invention of the classic two-wheeled version. Schemes from the mid-19th century have been preserved, in which engineers tried to combine horse-drawn carriage technologies with pedal drive. Interestingly, 50 years later, the first automobiles also had their “bicycle” modifications, equipped with one or two pairs of pedals.

Later, in the USSR era, the peculiarities of mass production excluded the possibility of creating non-standard bicycle configurations. For us, the hero of this article, like the tricycle, came to be perceived exclusively as transport for small children and novice cyclists.

Applications of Quadracycles

Bicycle constructions with four wheels are known as quadracycles. Who might need such an unusual means of transportation? Let’s look in more detail:

  1. Elderly people – a quadracycle doesn’t require maintaining balance, can stop at any moment, which will undoubtedly appeal to the older generation and people with disabilities.
  2. Couples – while a tandem can be considered sports equipment, a four-wheeled bicycle with two seats allows you to relax in the same way as many of us relax on a pedal catamaran at sea.
  3. Adults with children – the ability to install one or two child seats makes transporting children much safer.
  4. Athletes – some manufacturers offer models for participating in cross-country and trials. A quadracycle is characterized by stability and good traction even on soft ground.
  5. Travelers – they often choose trikes (large three-wheeled bicycles), but there are also excellent homemade options with a semi-recumbent driver position. On long distances, the usual bicycle configuration is far from ideal, but the free layout of modules, high load capacity, and simply sufficient space of a four-wheeled construction is an ideal choice.

As we can see, despite seeming exotic, this type of bicycle not only has the right to exist but can also generate serious interest among certain groups of cyclists.

Design Features

Some components are practically no different from other adult bicycles. For example, wheels and braking system – at most, what changes is the number of activated calipers or frames from one cable – they become two. Most often, brakes remain only on the rear wheels and are also no different. The drive is rarely subject to changes, these are pedals and chain, often one, but sometimes two gear shifters. The force is transmitted to the rear wheel axle, which is already a difference.

The frame and handlebars undergo significant changes. Obviously, the frame is manufactured for a specific model, taking into account many parameters. Some homemade constructions are two ordinary bicycle frames connected by transverse tubes, on which the seat is attached and the transmission is mounted.

Very often, a four-wheeled bicycle is two-seater. The width of the transverse tubes is sufficient to accommodate two seats at once. At the same time, the drive mechanism can be different – both a common shaft with two pedal blocks, united by one chain, and separate drives for each rider. There are also simpler mechanisms – when only one person pedals, and the other remains a passenger.

Pros and Cons

Four-wheeled bicycles are not so widespread that you can simply visit their owners and ask about the advantages and disadvantages of the design. Let’s consider the main factors influencing the transition to a “four-wheeled friend”.


  • Maximum stability among all currently available bicycles.
  • Comfortable rider position.
  • High load capacity and large volume for loading.
  • Interesting and unusual design.

The cons are also obvious:

  • Complexity of construction – a quadracycle is difficult to assemble independently and not easy to repair.
  • Lower reliability – 4 wheels, complex drive mechanism, additional steering elements, many welded joints – there are many more nodes that can fail and are subject to increased load than in a regular bicycle. Accordingly, the probability of breakdown is significantly higher.
  • High cost – few decide to buy a ready-made trike or quadracycle due to the high price, and serial production is practically absent. Making it by yourself requires a lot of time and money for non-standard custom parts.
  • Dimensions – it’s difficult to place such a bicycle on a balcony or lift up a hill – you’ll have to handle this transport like a full-fledged car.

Recommendations for Choosing

To acquire a quality quadracycle that will serve for a long time, you should consider useful expert advice:

  1. Determine the purpose of acquiring a quadracycle.
  2. Evaluate primarily not the appearance, but the simplicity and convenience of use.
  3. Pay attention to the materials used in the bicycle’s manufacture and their durability.
  4. It’s extremely important to assess the quality of the braking system.
  5. Find out if the quadracycle is equipped with additional elements, for example, a safety arc that protects the head and neck in critical situations.
  6. Study all the additional functions of the model you like and think about whether they are really necessary, as they significantly affect the overall cost of the four-wheeled bicycle.

Popular Manufacturers

A small number of companies are engaged in the production of four-wheeled bicycles, but the quality of their products is at a high level.

  1. Berg. Quadracycles from this German company are characterized by bright design, equipped with a strong frame and designed for a driver weight of 80-100 kg, some models – up to 120 kg. They are equipped with various types of chain drives. For example, quadracycles with F drive are economical models whose pedals constantly rotate, even when moving uphill. The AF drive allows moving both forward and backward; rotating the pedals backward means reverse, which performs the brake function. With the BER drive, you can rotate the pedals forward, move freely without rotating the pedals, brake with them, and rotate them backward after stopping. The BER-3 drive is characterized by a three-speed transmission, increasing maneuverability.
  2. TVL Smart. Among the models of this Chinese brand, the Speed Race quadracycle is especially popular. This is a single-seat four-wheeled bicycle, made in a red-black color scheme. It is characterized by a relatively simple AF drive.
  3. Contes Engineering. The Athos model of this American company is presented in three variants. They have different wheel radii: BMX, mountain bike, and cross-country. This quadracycle is equipped with independent air suspension, disc brakes, and LED lights. The model is made in a white-blue design.

An adult four-wheeled bicycle is a successful combination of a bicycle and a car. From the former, it inherited economy and environmental friendliness, and from the latter – stability and comfortable seating.

Ordering or Self-Manufacturing

A brief plan for those who decided to create a 4-wheeled bicycle with their own hands:

  1. Start with the frame. Design it completely in a 3D editor or by hand so that manufacturers understand what to cut and weld and how. It’s necessary to consider the cyclist’s height, required space, size of wheels planned for use. It’s important to remember about the mass and strength of materials – the bicycle will be heavy, and the loads on it will be significant.
  2. After creating the drawing, contact a metal processing workshop for frame manufacturing. If there’s an opportunity to do everything yourself – that’s great, but usually, a ready-made drawing with explanations is transferred to a specialized company or a familiar master.
  3. On the finished frame, it remains to assemble the running gear – first, we install half-axles for the wheels. Then we mount the rear sprocket block, pedal unit, and tension the chain.
  4. Install the braking system.
  5. Mount the steering column.
  6. Add the seat, handlebar, grips, and protection elements.

Of course, all nuances are learned only in practice, but the general “task list” will remain unchanged. We hope that creating a four-wheeled bicycle with your own hands will be successful.


A four-wheeled bicycle is a rarity, but quite interesting. With all its drawbacks – price, weight, low reliability – such a bicycle is very convenient and can be used in many situations where a regular bicycle is completely unsuitable. The low prevalence of such configurations is a consequence of high cost and low demand, so many undertake manufacturing independently. It’s worth noting that a homemade bicycle sometimes surpasses any serial model, and owners are rightfully proud of their creations.

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